Brand Definition


Our corporate brand is defined by a set characteristics and statements. Understanding and applying them truly and consistently in daily brand management is what makes our brand unique and attractive.


Brand essence

»Turning ideas into experiences«


Brand positioning

We are one of the leading European producers of premium graphic paper products and services for the most demanding creatives and technologies valuing the freshness as well as the superior, reliable and eco-friendly quality of our paper brands.



Craftsmanship attitude:
Based on Swedish roots we manufacture paper with craft and dedication since 1740.


Our long-standing and pioneering commitment to environmental and social sustainability is a central point of our business. Today we run some of the most eco-friendly mills worldwide and constantly improve our sourcing, production processes and energy management.


Proximity to design:
Our reputation in the high-quality graphic paper market is built on a long tradition of outstanding works with the help of our brands executed by the most demanding designers and artists who value the proven quality of our products.


We are known for new solutions and products and the continuous extension of our product ranges, also according to the development of printing technology.


Target groups

Focus on business:
– Investors
– Banks
– Financial press
– Analysts
– Owners


Focus on product:
– Converters
– Brand owners
– Publishers
– Creatives
– Merchants
– Printers
– Special interest press


Focus on work:
– Employees
– Talents
– Management


Focus on sustainability:
– Local Press
– Authorities
– NGOs
– Public Opinion

Core values

We are clear, open-minded, progressive and follow a long-term plan in the way we act, think and appear. We are sensitive towards nature and positive towards the future.


We protect natural resources and constantly create a sound balance between people, production and regions. We run our business in a stable, long-term and trustworthy way.


As agile mid-sized company, we are a forerunner in nature protection and the development of new products for core markets as well as for new markets and segments.


High-quality driven
We develop and deliver reliable high-quality products and services for the most demanding print solutions and for new printing technologies.


Customer offer

We offer distinctive paper products and services built on inventiveness, reliable quality and sustainability crafted for the most demanding creative ideas and new technologies.