Brand definition – G


Our product brand G is defined by a set of characteristics and statements. Understanding and applying them truly and consistently in daily brand management is what makes our brand unique and attractive.
This Brand Definition is only a condensed version. If you need more information, please contact our marketing team:


Brand essence

»Paper for experts«

Brand positioning

G – the paper range made for printers, who want to run their high-volume business in a more competitive way.


G thinks and acts like an engineer. Focused on technology, solutions and performance with an urge to improve. Very robust and reliable in delivering results.


Target groups

Printers, end users / brand owners, publishers.


Core values and vision

Focused – Resilient


Customer offer

Paper for experts: G helps you to run your high-volume printing business in a more competitive way by offering a better-quality alternative to no-name mass production paper brands.